December 14, 2024

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This Full-Body Dumbbell Workout Will Change Your Body Composition

This Full-Body Dumbbell Workout Will Change Your Body Composition

Kettlebell Squat Clean

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How to:

  1. Start in a hinge position (hips back, knees slightly bent, and torso leaned forward almost parallel to floor), with both hands gripping the handle of a kettlebell resting on floor between feet.
  2. Squeeze glutes, straighten legs, and slowly stand up, bending elbows and pulling weight to chest height.
  3. Then, bend knees and sink hips back and down.
  4. Once thighs are about parallel with the floor, press through feet to return to standing position. That’s 1 rep.


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  • 針對部位:三頭肌、腹肌和胸肌。
  • 為何有效:專注在將身體降低的階段可以增強身體控制力、穩定性並加強三頭肌,這項訓練也可以加強你伏地挺身的能力。
  • 動作說明:

(1) 從高位平板支撐開始(可以選擇膝蓋跪地),雙手張開微寬於肩膀,將啞鈴放置於地面雙手握著。雙腳張開與臀部同寬。




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B-Stance Deadlift

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Why it rocks: “Taking a B-stance, where one foot is in a kickstand position, will help you target your glutes in the working leg because you won’t have to worry about your balance as much.” People often don’t do the more advanced version of this move, the single-leg Romanian deadlift (RDL), properly, because their hips open to the side instead of pointing straight down, says Sariya.

How to:

  1. Stand with your feet together, a dumbbell in each hand (not shown). Slide one foot back so the front toe is in line with the back heel of the other foot. Lift the heel of the back foot up.
  2. From here, hinge forward, keeping a soft bend in the knees and pushing your hips behind you. Keep your shoulders down and maintain a flat back as you trace the dumbbells down the front of your standing leg. Feeling tension in the hamstrings and the glutes is a sign that you’re hitting an optimal range of motion.
  3. Reverse movement to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete all reps on this side, then repeat on the other.

Level up: Once you feel more confident and have more core stability, then take on a single-leg RDL.


Reverse Lunge With Press

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Why it rocks: “This dual-part move will strengthen the glutes, quads, and shoulders while improving your overall balance,” says Sariya. Tuck your pelvis to activate your glutes and avoid the common misstep of hyperextending your lower back.

How to:

  1. Hold a dumbbell (or KB) in your right hand in a front rack position at your shoulder. Step back with your right leg and drop your knee so it’s an inch or two off the floor and forming a 90-degree angle.
  2. Optional press (not shown): Engage your core and stay in this position as you press the weight up above your shoulder.
  3. Return the dumbbell to a front racked position, then return to your standing position. Repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep.

Level up: Turn it into a clean and press while you lunge, or turn it into a snatch.

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Renegade Row

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Why it rocks: “This is one of my favorite moves for improving core strength and stability while working the upper-back muscles and arms,” says Sariya. “Often, I’ll see a twist of the torso or a rocking of the hips, but you want to keep the hips as still as possible so you can focus on stabilizing your core.”

How to:

  1. Start in a high plank position with each hand resting on a dumbbell. (To regress the move, start on your knees.) Your feet should be in a wider stance to keep you balanced, and your core and glutes should be engaged.
  2. Keeping your body as still as possible, pull one dumbbell toward the bottom of your rib cage. Your hips should be so still that if there were a cup of coffee on your lower back, it wouldn’t spill.
  3. Repeat with the other arm. That’s 1 rep.

Level up: Add a pushup after each rep.


Bicycle Crunch

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Why it rocks: To really target the abs, you have to slow the classic bicycle crunch down, using time under tension and finding resistance with your legs as levers, says Sariya. While this is a “really simple move,” Sariya says people often do it too quickly. “I see them flying through their bicycles, making it more cardio than strength.”

How to:

  1. Lie flat on your back with fingertips behind ears and elbows wide.
  2. Bring your legs up to a tabletop position, then lift shoulder blades and head off the floor and twist your torso, bringing opposite elbow to opposite knee as you extend the other leg straight.
  3. Repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep. Continue alternating.

Level up: Pause at the top of each twist to feel more of a burn.


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